Acreage allotment refers to the process of dividing land into smaller plots for cultivation …
Claudia Ringler
Claudia Ringler
Claudia Ringler is Deputy Division Director of the Environment and Production Technology Division. From 1996 until now, she served in various other research positions in that division. She currently co-leads the Institute’s water research program and is also a basin theme leader. Her research interests are water management, global food and water security, natural resource constraints to global food production, and the synergies of climate change adaptation and mitigation. Dr. Ringler has field experience across Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Claudia have published many journal articles in the areas of global water and food security, with a more recent focus on gender, nutrition, climate change and energy.
Temperate fruits are a diverse group of fruits that grow in regions with moderate …
Monoculture is the cultivation of a single crop on a given land area, as …
Chasmogamy refers to process of plants reproducing through open pollination, where their reproductive organs …
Acacia, also known as wattle, is a genus of shrubs and trees belonging to …
Soil pH is a measure of acidity or basicity of a soil. It is …