Acreage reduction program is a government initiative that aims to decrease the amount of …
Claudia Ringler
Claudia Ringler
Claudia Ringler is Deputy Division Director of the Environment and Production Technology Division. From 1996 until now, she served in various other research positions in that division. She currently co-leads the Institute’s water research program and is also a basin theme leader. Her research interests are water management, global food and water security, natural resource constraints to global food production, and the synergies of climate change adaptation and mitigation. Dr. Ringler has field experience across Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Claudia have published many journal articles in the areas of global water and food security, with a more recent focus on gender, nutrition, climate change and energy.
farm income is the financial gain derived from the operation of a farm, historically …
Mesophytes, also known as mesic plants, are a type of plant species that thrive …
Abiotic stress resistance refers to the ability of plants to tolerate and adapt to …
- Urban Farming
Greenhouse opening helps Highfield Farm further develop industrial land into urban farm
The year-round greenhouse at Highfield Farm has opened to support Calgary’s community-based local food …
Leaching refers to movement of water through soil, carrying with it dissolved nutrients and …