Recent researches have indicated that the transposable elements have significantly molded the function, structure, …
Edward Buckler
Edward Buckler
Edward Buckler is a plant geneticist with the Agricultural Research Service and holds an adjunct appointment at University. His work focuses on both quantitative and statistical genetics in maize as well as other crops such as cassava. In 2017, he received the prize in Food and Agricultural Science for his work using natural genetic diversity to develop varieties of maize with fifteen times more vitamin A than existing varieties. The Buckler Lab for Maize Genetics and Diversity uses functional genomic approaches to dissect complex traits in maize, biofuel grasses, and grapes. The lab uses the natural diversity of these plant genomes to identify the individual nucleotides responsible for complex (quantitative) variation.
Farming is the foundation of India. These days because of the populace, mishaps, and …