The Berry fruits are a diverse group of small, juicy fruits that are enjoyed …
Achim Dobermann
Achim Dobermann
He brings over 30 years expertise on science and technology for sustainable agricultural in all world regions. He serves on many advisory bodies, trying to help others succeed in their work. He loves rice, but his real passion are soils and crop agronomy because he believes that managing those well will make all the difference in the world. He believes that taking risks, working in the field, and being critical and unselfish are the most important things for succeeding in agricultural research.
Pollinators are less likely to land on flowers sprayed with fertilisers or pesticides as …
Roughage, also known as dietary fiber, is an essential component of a healthy diet. …
Horizontal integration refers to the expansion of a farming or agricultural business by acquiring …
Earsh, also known as stubble, refers to the stalks of grain plants that are …
Organic matter, also known as organic material, refers to the carbon-based compounds that make …