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Neolithic Revolution: Also Known As First Agricultural Revolution

by Abdul Rehman
Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution, also known as the first Agricultural Revolution, was a time when humans began to develop agriculture and create food-based civilizations. This event is thought to have started about 12,000 years ago. During the Holocene, significant cultural and environmental changes occurred. It saw the advent of humans to what we know today as humanity and the sudden end of the last ice age.

This shift in social organization allowed for more effective use of human resources and increased economic productivity. Despite this, it is the Fertile Crescent, a boomerang-shaped region in the Middle East, that was the first place to practice farming. After that, Stone Age humans in other parts of the world also began cultivating crops. Meanwhile, the innovations of the Neolithic Revolution had a profound impact on civilizations and cities.

Neolithic Age

The Neolithic Age is often seen as one of the key times when human beings first began to develop their own civilizations. Therefore, it is sometimes called the New Stone Age. It was during this time that humanity began to get organized and create a worldwide economy. It also saw the development of art, literature, law, government, and much more. The Neolithic Age is an important period in history because it marked the end of an era where humans were on their own for the first time.

Neolithic humans were the first human beings to use technology. They used stone tools like their Stone Age ancestors, who made a marginal living as hunter-gatherers during the last Ice Age. The Neolithic cultural transfer that occurred during the late phase of life was the development of agriculture and metallurgy which led to rise in prices and increased trade for goods and power. This change happened due to two factors:

  • one, changing environmental conditions that lead to increased demand for resources;
  • and two, people’s sudden realization that they could control their own lives through the use of technology.

The Neolithic Revolution was a significant period of change in which humans began cultivating plants, breeding animals for food, and forming permanent settlements. However, the term “Neolithic Revolution” was coined by Australian archaeologist V. Gordon Childe in 1935 to describe this period of revolutionary change. It is one of the most famous periods in human history.

This was a time when human beings lived together in some form of relationship, whether it was in families, clans, or groups. The combination of free speech and the right to the stone age was key enabling elements that helped create and maintain communities. This was a time when relationships between people could be explored and used as a tool to build stronger relationships outside of work and family structures.

Neolithic Art

From the Middle Ages until the early 21st century, art was often created as a way to help people cope with life’s challenges. They were often used to show how society had changed and what it was like to live in such comprehensive changes. As technology became more widespread and available after the 16th century, artists began to use it to create artwork featuring real-world examples which could be studied from scratch.

Neolithic Art and role in agriculture


The neolithic period was also the time when man began to develop his natural abilities, such as strength and dexterity. It was during this time that humans started to create beautiful-looking wares, including spears and pottery. People used to make different types of art because of the massive changes in how they lived. The Neolithic sculptures became prominent and bigger because people no longer had to carry them; pottery became more widespread and was used to store foods harvested from farms. It is also the beginning of alcohol production and the beginning of architecture, including its interior and exterior decorations. Basically, people settle down and begin to live in one place.


It seems very likely that there were many similar ancient monuments that could be explained by humans only because they would not have been necessary for the support of a large system with a long life. Such things, such as cemeteries and roads, are found in places where they would preferably return and add stability to society. The Neolithic was the first people to build permanent homes and this was especially true in the case of Stonehenge from the Paleolithic periods.


Stonehenge in neolithic revolution

The so-called “Stonehenge” is an ancient stone ring located in England that has been used as a place of cultic activity addition since the 4th century. Some believe that the ” Stonehenge ” can communicate with the divine, while others believe that its stones were for proof and only emit an audible sound when one stands on them. There are approximately 320 feet in circumference, and the outer ring is composed of stones weighing up to 50 tons; the smaller stones weighing up to six tons were quarried up to 450 miles away.

Stonehenge remains unclear in its use and meaning, but its design, planning, and implementation could only have been carried out in a culture in which no one questioned authority. A culture that was able to motivate hundreds of people to work very hard for long periods of time. It was one of the main characteristics of the Neolithic period.

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Plastered Skulls

The Neolithic period is the time when we first find good evidence for religious practice, a perpetual inspiration for the fine arts, and some of the earliest known illustrations from Europe. The Neolithic period is also important because it includes rock art in France, one of the most well-known and popular rock sprites in the world. However, one of the most fascinating discoveries in Jericho and the surrounding area of the Levant are the plaster skulls.

Neolithic Plastered Skulls

During the 7000-6,000 B.C.E. Neolithic era, a particular method of smiling at the dead was popular during the Neolithic period because it allowed people to appear to live in a spirit of life. Meanwhile, in order to create realistic faces, people’s skulls were often removed and their brains were either released into the wild or “cleaned” in order to create very life-like expressions. Faces were often created with many elements integrated into a very thin plaster, allowing for great realism and detail.

These skulls were often offered as a reminder of the many years of pain and suffering. However, the skulls were also believed to be used for worshipping and preserving male ancestors. Recently discovered plastered skulls, however, reveal that a generous number of them come from women and children. The skulls were often used to represent the range of emotions that can be felt by those who lose their lives in various ways such as homicide, accident, or natural disaster. They might also be used as a powerful emotional image to help mourn the loss of loved ones.

Neolithic Humans

In southern Turkey, there is an archaeological site called Çatalhöyük, one of the best-preserved Neolithic sites. A study of Çatalhöyük has given researchers a better understanding of the transition from a nomadic life of hunting and gathering to an agrarian lifestyle.

An archaeological dig at the 9,500-year-old Çatalhöyük uncovered more than a dozen mud-brick dwellings. According to some estimates, up to 8,000 people once inhabited this area. Art and spirituality were of great importance to the people of Çatalhöyük. Many of the dead were buried under their homes.

Neolithic Humans

Tell Abu Hureyra, a small village on the Euphrates River in modern Syria, is the site of some of the earliest archaeological evidence of farming. Inhabitants of the village lived there between 11,500 and 7,000 B.C.

Around 9,700 B.C., the inhabitants of Tell Abu Hureyra may have hunted gazelle and other game, as there are several large stone tools for grinding grain found at the site. It is likely that the village was located in an area where there were many opportunities to get food for their family. The village also may have been able to find available land for cultivating fields of wild grains.

Why Settle Down?

While the exact date and reasons for this shift are debated, there is evidence worldwide that has been documented as a shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture. The transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture is most commonly cited as a result of two factors: (1) the increase in food sources that are notedge, and (2) the rise in average temperatures around the world.

With increased access to both land and water, farmers can farm regions that have been known for their hunter-gatherer cultures. The shift also allowed a larger variety of animals to be fed, making it easier to produce food with fewer hours available for labor.

It was during this time that the first agricultural revolution began. The Agricultural Revolution is a term that has been used to describe the process of association between people and their land, which is thought to be necessary for human life and the creation of food. The Agricultural Revolution refers specifically to the turn from traditional agriculture to an agricultural production model where power was used to control the land and access to food.

Neolithic Age

There are two most popular hypotheses about why humans stopped foraging and started farming. The first hypothesis is that humans stopped foraging and started farming because they became tired of the journey and the expense. The second hypothesis is that humans stop foraging and start farming because they want to produce food in quantities enough to provide them with what they need, without having to go on foot.

However, there are a variety of factors that can influence whether or not a person starts a farm. One such factor is the weather conditions. If there is too much rainfall, hunters may lose their foothold in the ground; if there isn’t enough rain, farmers may need to leave the land again due to swollen rivers making it difficult to tent poorly. It is also believed that population pressure may have caused increased competition for food and the need to cultivate new foods; people may have shifted to farming in order to increase food production.

Whatever the reasons were, humans continued to become more settled as they moved away from hunting and foraging. The primary reason for this was their increased domestication of plants which started in the neolithic revolution. It has been speculated that humans have been gathering seeds and grains like barley since thousands of years ago, and they have been farming them since 11,000 years ago. Later, they began eating peas and lentils, which are rich in protein. It is possible that these early farmers produced surplus seeds and crops as they became better at cultivating food. As a result, the population would have grown faster since food availability was more reliable and more settled.

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Diversity of Crop Domestication

Agriculture began before the domestication of plants and animals during the neolithic revolution. It started as a process of transforming plant life into food by means of leveraged husbandry, animal feed, and other methods. In addition to this, other activities such as fishing, hunting, and storage were also used at first for food purposes. It was only in the nineteenth century that grain farming became an established thing in many countries.

The wheat and barley plants are the two main sources of food for the early farmers in the Middle East. The cereal crops were flood-proof because they are able to perform photosynthesis in the dark and light. Therefore, the early farmers of this region were able to work these plants into their diets because they were rich in fiber and vitamin E.

Diversity of Crop Domestication Neolithic Era

The availability of large-grained rice in Southeast Asia offered an alternative to wheat and barley, and subsequently, rice became a staple crop there. In Mesoamerica and Africa, grain crops weren’t available, so people relied on monocotyledons, such as sorghum and maize. The earliest farmers in South America did not have access to any large-grained species of any kind, so they domesticated the tubers potato, sweet potato, and cassava, along with chenopods and amaranths.

They were used as a food source for the first time in the area during the neolithic revolution. A variety of reasons was given such as providing a good crop with low prices, better access to transportation, and an increase in population since they are from Europe. They also became known as “millennial farmers” because they were interested in starting a new trend in their region. Moreover, during this period cotton species from Africa and South America, flax species from the Near East, and hemp plants from China were used as a source of fiber.

Early Stages of Plant Domestication

The process of domestication of plants and animals was a single step in the history of the world. It began with the development of farmers’ wagons and later, by traveling down long roads. The first farmers were also the ancient pastoralists, who may have started to engage in agriculture as early as 4,000 years ago. Agriculture followed soon after because it was more efficient and easier to manage than warfare.

The Tehuacán Valley is a place of great beauty, located in the middle of Mexico. This valley was once one of the most ancient cultures in America. The people who lived there were very advanced in their technologies and had a wide variety of activities like farming and beliefs. In the meantime, Richard MacNeisch’s excavations in the Tehuacán Valley of Mexico provide very early evidence of this slow transition.

Early Stages of Plant Domestication Neolithic

He discovered that the people of this area had a sophisticated agricultural and culinary system, consisting of 12 sites and 12,000 years of agricultural history, that could handle the demands of their life in a standardized manner. He also uncovered that these people were able to observe heartbeat, as well as diagnose diseases and treat them with natural remedies.

These people initially survived on wild plants, such as jackrabbits, deer, and peccaries, as well as small animals. In approximately 9000 B.C., the game became scarce and people began collecting more wild plants, including squash, chili pepper, and avocado.

The Tehuacán Valley was an important center of plant-based agriculture in the Pre-Columbian period. In 711 AD (before the present), Hernan Cortes, the first European to reach Mexico City, is said to have stopped at the Tehuacan Valley for food. He found plants there that he could not find on his journey through the city. Due to this, over the next 5000 years, the Tehuacan Valley people became more dependent on domesticated plants. By this point, they had domesticated maize, amaranth, beans, squashes, and chilies, which came from outside their zone of domestication.

Read More: Early Animal Agriculture And The Neolithic Revolution

Animal Domestication

Domestication of animals began with the hunt for meat in Neolithic times. Farmers began domesticating animals in the same manner as they experimented with farming. This was a great advance in human history. It allowed for the development of agriculture, health and rivaled that of our animal-based society. This was a big step in placing humans above nature and Feudalism came to an end. Human beings became primary developers, with their homes becoming their main means of support.

During the neolithic revolution, the domestication of animals allowed for the development of food systems and culture which all began to reach a level of sophistication that had not been before. The history of Iraq and Anatolia, as far back as about 12,000 years ago, is filled with the domestication of animals, including goats, herding sheep, and cows. It is believed that the ancient people would have been very specific in their habits because they were known to shear one animal every two weeks. The archaeologist has found the remains of about 1,500 animals, most of which are sheep and goats.

The primary purpose of domesticated animals was to provide food for humans and their families. Later, they were used to working in the field, helping to cultivate the land feed a growing population. Additionally, animal agriculture had a significant impact on human populations through the addition of new foods and nutrients that helped keep our economies stable.

Animal domestication

Domestic pigs were bred from wild boars, while goats were bred from the wild ibex. This was to produce a more obedient and reliable pet animal that would be used for housekeeping and for meat. The Wild Boar is also well-known for its strength, ferocity, and adaptability.

The development and use of goats as a pet means that these animals had an end goal in mind all along – to one day carry out what they saw as human functions such as clothing, shelter, and child-rearing.

During the neolithic revolution, the domesticated animal was often the source of human food for a significant period of time, typically from when they were born until they died. After that, it was often used as a tool or instrument to produce the diet for humans. It is interesting to note that many species of animals have been around for millions of years longer than domesticated animals and are therefore more complex than those placed within our reach today. Aside from their economic usefulness, animals were also social creatures: they would bring news or gossip with people, provide shelter and entertainment, and carries diseases like smallpox, influenza, measles, etc.

In the beginning, sheep and cattle were the only farm animals. In the period 10,000 to 13,000 years ago, Mesopotamia was the source of these animals. Chinese, Indian, and Tibetan farmers domesticated the water buffalo and yak soon after. Humanity was not aware of the draft animals until much later in its 4,000-year history. A trade route for transporting goods began to develop early in the 4,000-year history. The first step was taking animal remains and humans started to transport goods by horses and donkeys. Draft animals like oxen, donkeys, and camels appeared much later after about 2,500 years of human development.

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Causes Of The Neolithic Revolution

A number of factors played a role in shaping the neolithic revolution. The Neolithic Revolution was the time when humans began to use writing and other forms of multimedia to communicate with each other. It is thought that the rise of science and technology may have influenced the development of farming as a necessary evil to prevent people from becoming isolated and alone. The Neolithic Revolution allowed for the spread of trade, culture, and education across huge areas of Europe and North America.

The Agricultural Revolution was the result of a series of technological advances that allowed for the production and consumption of food on different scales. It was a transition from a cold, dark age of significant human population growth to an easy-to-use and affordable society. The first Agricultural Revolution also led to the development of public transportation, which played a significant role in connecting our community with the outside world during this time. Moreover, climate change also played a significant role in the neolithic revolution.

Causes Of The Neolithic Revolution

The Natufian culture, pre-neolithic people, is one of the most commonly studied ancient cultures because it has a large number of ancient ruins and monuments that can be studied in detail. The discovery of new sites such as this has helped scholars to understand more about life in the Fertile Crescent before the 7th century BC when humans began to domesticate animals and start living off-grid. After that, they started growing wheat and barley as well as other vegetables and fruits. It was during this time that the so-called “Fertile Crescent” began to form, located between today’s Iraq and Syria.

According to some scientists, intellectual advances in the human brain may have contributed to the settling down of people. In early Neolithic settlements, religious artifacts and artistic imagery, a precursor to human civilization, have also been found. This was the time, the Neolithic Era when man began to domesticate and cultivate crops, and the first farmers appeared around 4000 BC.

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Agricultural Inventions and Neolithic Revolution

From the 6th millennium BC, when agriculture began to be domesticated, to the present day, Neolithic farmers increasingly turned to cereal crops as their main source of nutrition. This shift was largely due to the noticing of what they called “ Foods Allowed ” in regard to meat and alcohol availability. However, from that point forward, cereals were typically a small part of the diet for most Neolithic farmers. The Fertile Crescent’s Neolithic farmers domesticated wheat, einkorn wheat, and barley as the first crops. Later, as early farmers, they also domesticated lentils, chickpeas, peas, and flax.

In domestication, farmers breed successive generations of an animal or plant to select desirable traits. As a result, domesticated animals and plants develop different characteristics from their wild relatives. The development of husbandry engineering allowed farmers to overcome any challenge by creating an animal or plant with the correct combination of features.

Agricultural Inventions 11

The Neolithic period is a time when people select crops that are easy to harvest. They were skilled in breeding and using plants. For example, early humans were able to breed wheat that stayed on the stem for easier harvesting. It is through ancient farming techniques that humanity gained an advantage over other species.

People in Asia started to grow rice and millet about the same time as wheat was being sown in the Fertile Crescent. Archaeologists have found ruins of Stone Age rice paddies in Chinese swamps going back at least 7,700 years.

Cultivation of squash began about 10,000 years ago in what is now Mexico. The first crops that mirror modern-day potatoes emerged around 9,000 years ago. Over time, this switch changed the composition of the food diet and has led to some extendable diets for certain groups within society. However, there is still much debate over the factors that contributed to this change and whether it actually occurred largely due to crop yield or to changes in social organization.

Timeline of the Agricultural Revolution

The first Agricultural Revolution (took place around 10,000 B.C.), which was first mentioned by Plume in his book “The History of the Earth” (1912), occurred when farmers began to move their crops around on account of an increase in the amount of food that they were able to grow. It was during this time that societies such as Greece and China began to shift from a hunter-and-gather society to one based on stationary farming. The first Agricultural Revolution is often referred to as the period of transition from a hunting-and-gathering society to one based on stationary farming.

Another Agricultural Revolution took place in the 18th century, inspiring men as well as technology, and resulting in the development of our modern-day British agricultural system. The emergence of a new source of food not only offered greater nutritional value but was also easier to produce on a large scale. It was famine-like conditions in Europe that led to agriculture as we know it today. In addition to improved crop yields and a greater variety of wheat and vegetables, new crop rotation patterns and animal husbandry made it possible for humanity to thrive. The population became healthier and more nourished as a result of these changes.

Timeline of the Agricultural Revolution

In addition, Enclosure Acts, Enclosure Movement, in Great Britain created a base for the industrial revolution because it allowed lords to purchase public fields, pushing small-scale farmers out, and causing men to migrate to the cities for work. As a result, new industries began sprouting because of the increasing availability of skilled workers. Around the turn of the 18th century, several major events contributed to Great Britain‘s Agricultural Revolution, including:

  • perfecting the horse-drawn seed press, which would reduce labor intensiveness and increase productivity
  • new crops, such as potatoes and maize, began to grow rapidly by 1750
  • the Enclosure Laws.

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Effects of the Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic period is the time when man first began to develop cultural and social rather than natural resources. It’s when man started to rely on Stone age habits of life to support him. The Neolithic people were the first humans to establish permanent settlements, which was important because it allowed for trade and communication between different groups. Later, these settlements led by farmers and agriculture appeared in many parts of the world during this time.

It was during this time that civilizations like Rome, Greece, and India were founded, and those forces led by Alexander the Great ended the ancient year on crescent moons. This period of significant human development is often considered to be the high point of our species. Technology and agriculture were combined to form a new type of food that would be successful in the world. Crop rotation, irrigation, and mass production were all adoptions that helped to change the way we eat today.

Effects of Neolithic Revolution on Society

The traditional view is that the shift to agricultural food production supported a denser population, which in turn supported larger sedentary communities, the accumulation of goods and tools, and specialized in diverse forms of new labor. The characteristic factors supporting this were political and economic one: they cannot produce on the large scale as a result of overproduction; two: it was difficult to move people from their previous occupations because these did not require manual labor or specializing in new skills; three: trade allowed people to mix and store products from different parts of the world.

The era also refers to the social elite, which is a group of people who have access to resources and enjoy comfortable living conditions despite their low status. The development of a social elite is often used to describe how the community allows these people to control decision-making and live comfortably without being taken action. The social class of someone who reports to another person in a relationship is not the same as that of someone who is cannot be related to anyone. Social Class refers to one’s position in society, and it is based on your family’s income.

Effects of the Neolithic Revolution

Your status will vary depending on your family’s wealth and power. People from poor families are more likely to have low social class because they do not have access to resources that can support them endlessly. Men took on more leadership and warrior roles as women’s status declined. There were deep social divisions and inequality between the sexes during this time period.

Effects of Neolithic Revolution on Health

The neolithic population is considered a key ancestor of the modern world. They were the first people to domesticate plants, animals, and technology and became the dominant culture in their parts. Their development was bayesian confident because they had better information about the future.

However, as we know now, they were wrong about a number of things. For example, they suffered from too much malnutrition and disease, long life expectancies (which could be improved with agriculture), labor-intensive lifestyle choices such as food hunting and farming which led to health problems for agriculturalists everywhere except where it happened already.

It is now learned that humans have gained many diseases through our agriculturalist practices for centuries. It is not just animals that we have killed and transmitted to you, but our ancient farming methods which were responsible for causing the increase in diseases such as anemia, vitamin deficiencies, spinal deformities, and dental pathologies.

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Overall Impact on Modern Life

Humans were and still are, the dominant species on earth. Their increased population size led to their accumulation of material resources more quickly than any other animal or plant species. This resulted in a richer food source and better opportunity for the individual, as well as a greater ability to utilize those resources efficiently which led to cheaper goods and services.

To this day, humans continue to enjoy an increase in population that is largely due to the addition of new technologies and their impact on social and economic growth. The advances made in the Neolithic Revolution are directly responsible for the way we live today. It was during this time that humans began to domesticate plants and animals, learned how to cook food, and create shelter. Therefore, the Neolithic Revolution refers specifically to the step-change in human development.


The Neolithic period of human activity is the time when man’s understanding of agriculture and food production began to change the natural world in his favor. The mild climate and easy access to water that we have today made it possible for humans to domesticate plants and animals, which led to increased populations and complex social systems. It is also called the first Agricultural Revolution because humans began to apply modern farming techniques on land. Humanity has been impacted by the Neolithic revolution in several ways. However, it also helped in establishing the foundation for modern societies, the new period brought with it the possibility of populous urban centers, as well as improvements in knowledge, arts, and trade.

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