Home Technology Agricultural Technologies Farmers Surly Want To Invest

Agricultural Technologies Farmers Surly Want To Invest

by Abdul Manan

In February, research was conducted by the Farm Journal Pulse Poll in which they asked the farmers a simple question about the adaptation, purchase, and thoughts to invest in agricultural technologies.

In their poll they asked the farmers; What would you buy first if you won a lottery?

This was an interesting question which helped them to summarize the thoughts of farmers about the introduction of the latest agricultural technology and innovations in agriculture.

Moreover, the results of this poll were also very interesting. In this research, a total of 577 farmers were included and final results were summarized according to their participation.

About 31% of the participants out of 577 farmers choose the variable rate application technology. With this much high participation, the variable rate technology stood first in the list of formers demanded agricultural technology.

While summarizing the results of this survey, the analysts found that the second most demanded agricultural technology is telematics with 28% participation of farmers.

Among all the in-demand technologies, autosteering stood at the third position with a participation of 17% farmers participating in the survey.

Another interesting fact about autosteering, in recent research by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers it has been revealed that more than 60% of the farmers are already using this technology to improve their cropping technique.

Meanwhile, the use of smartphones, drones, and hand-held technologies seemed to be less interesting among farmers with the participation of only 16% of farmers and stood at the fourth position. Moreover, farmers consider these investments less ROI therefore significantly preferred less than other essential techs.

This research has also revealed that farmers are still not much familiar with data management and calculated use of resources, therefore it is on the fifth position. Only 8% of participants showed their interest in adapting the latest data management software and programs to improve their field management abilities.

This considerable effective study has revealed that still, several farmer communities hesitate to invest in the latest agricultural technologies and innovations. Furthermore, before adopting any technology farmers do consider ROI factors before making a final investment.

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Useful Article: Modern Agriculture | Revolution in Agriculture Technology

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