Home Technology Modern Agriculture | Revolution in Agriculture Technology

Modern Agriculture | Revolution in Agriculture Technology

by Team Cultivation

Modern technology has played a huge part in the development of the agriculture industry. It is because of modern technology that we can cultivate crops in the deserts using agro-biotechnology.

In today’s agriculture, hi-tech systems such as robot, humidity, and temperature sensors, aerial imagery, and GPS-technology are constantly being used.

These progressive technologies, along with precision farming and robotics, enable businesses to be more clean, efficient, profitable, and safer.

Five innovative farming methods and agriculture technologies that are playing a significant role in changing the agricultural sector:

  1. Urban Agriculture
  2. The Drones
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Blockchain Technology
  5. CRISPR & Gene Editing

Benefits of Modern Agricultural Technology

  • High Crop Productivity
  • Decreased usage of fertilizers, water, & pesticide
  • Less effect on natural eco-system
  • Less run-off of harmful chemicals into ground-water and rivers
  • Improved worker’s wellbeing

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