Home Pakistan For Prosperous Pakistan, Agriculture Sector Must Be Boosted Over Housing Colonies

For Prosperous Pakistan, Agriculture Sector Must Be Boosted Over Housing Colonies

by Mazhar Ali

This refers to the letter ‘Housing sector’ (July 31) by Arshad M Khawaja. The writer has rightly highlighted the government’s overemphasis on the housing sector and unrealistic projections.

The authorities wrongly believe that by pouring more money into the construction sector, they will be able to uplift the economy.

It is heartbreaking to see multiple housing societies along the highways, replacing fertile fields and fruit-bearing trees.

It seems that the government has this misplaced perception that the housing sector will play a big role in bringing down the current high rate of unemployment.

The country’s agricultural land is shrinking from all over the country and the housing colonies are expanding at a rapid pace.

The letter-writer’s suggestion that boosting manufacturing and agriculture sectors is the key to success should be taken seriously by the authorities if they want to see a prosperous Pakistan.

Dr. Najeeb A Khan

Seattle, USA

Source: The News

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