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World Soil Day | Keep Soil Alive

by Team Cultivation
world soil day

World soil day is celebrated every year on December 5th to highlight the significance of soil biodiversity and the nutritional importance of soil for food production.

World Soil Day Resolution

The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) accepted a resolution in the year 2002 recommending the celebration of December 5th as World Soil Day to highlight the significance of soil as an essential component of the natural ecosystem and an important contribution to human well being

The Conference of the FAO of the United Nations unanimously approved Soil Day in June 2013 and demanded official acceptance at the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly. In the same session, the UN Assembly declared December 5th as World Soil Day.

Annual World Soil Day

WSD is holding annually on December 5th to raise awareness of the significance of healthy soil and to promote valuable soil management for a safe food future. The WSD date of December 5 was chosen because it is H.M.’s official birthday, King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej, who officially approved the event


Significance of Soil

Soil is home to over one-half of our planet’s biological diversity, however, only 1% of the universe is known so far. A teaspoon of healthy soil contains more living creatures than the total number of people on Earth. Soil creatures are a source for many important ecosystem progressions on which humanity depends, from plant growth supporting and carbon-storing to a huge reservoir for medicines.

However, a great threat to soil biodiversity is underway because more than half of the topsoil has been mislaid in the past 150 years. 26.4billion tons of soil is getting lost every year, ten times more speedily than soil replenishing. Soil wearing off is also important but largely overlooked part of carbon emission.

Plants feed the whole world of soil creatures, which in turn provide nutrients and protect the plants. These diverse living organisms playing an important role in keeping the soil fertile and healthy. This diverse world signifies soil biodiversity and reveals the basic biogeochemical processes making life possible. Six vital functions of soil:

  • Food & Biomass Production.
  • Ecological Interaction – Filtering, Storage, and Transformation,
  • Gene Pool and Biological Habitat.
  • Provide Raw Material.
  • Cultural & Physical Heritages.
  • Base for Man-made Structures.

Annual Theme and Elsevier Contribution

While calling on people around the world to play an active role in enlightening soil health, the drive also aims to combat the loss of diverse soil biodiversity. If soil fertility keeps getting affected at an alarming level, this will cause a threat to global food supply and security.


To support this year’s world soil day theme “Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity,” Elsevier is presenting a carefully curated, open-source, over 60 journal articles, collection to highlight the significance of a healthy soil ecosystem.



Moreover, a virtual soil community is also working to protect soil and create awareness among farmers on the efficient use of soil.

Message from CropForLife

Every animal on earth needs soil. It is an important component in providing animals with air, water, food, and living space. Healthy soil leads to a more stable and consistent global food supply, which leads to a strong communal interaction. Therefore, we must all do our part to conserve biodiversity and soil in order to build a better community and ecosystem. This world soil day we promise to keep the soil alive.

Useful Article: Which Soil Is Suitable For Agriculture?
Useful Article: Aquaponics Farming: How Can It Create Sustainable Food Systems?

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