Home Microgreens Grant Gardener Grows Microgreens For Business

Grant Gardener Grows Microgreens For Business

by Lynette Abbott

Pat Schenavar borrows from George Bernard Shaw when she notes that “happy is the woman that can make a living by her hobby and by growing microgreens.”

The former homeschool mom to four must be happy indeed because her hobbies of gardening and horseback riding keep her busy.

During the cooler months, Schenavar focuses on gardening regular vegetables that she sells from her 10-acre Nordic Acres Farm in Grant. During the hotter months, she concentrates on microgreens, plus a spate of herbs such as cilantro and basil. She also grows wheatgrass, used as juice for its healing properties.

Oh, and she gives riding lessons to folks that run the gamut in age from childhood to senior status.

Customers come by the farm to pick up the greens, which are sold as a 2-ounce mix of all-organic baby vegetables that have never experienced chemical sprays.

Microgreens are basically vegetables in their primary stage of growth, the time they are at the peak nutritional value. More than 60 varieties exist of these teeny veggies. Schenavar grows them inside her home under a tightly controlled environment.

Among her favorites is the red cabbage.

“It’s really beautiful,” she said.

She prepares the greens into a mix that can range from mild to spicy, according to the customer’s desire. They are not just for salads, but can also be used with eggs, in wraps, pancakes, smoothies, oatmeal, casseroles and other recipes.

Microgreens have been touted for lowering blood pressure, fighting cancer, decreasing headaches and constipation, and even slowing the aging process and assisting in weight loss.

As if all these benefits were not enough, microgreens are tasty, too, particularly as prepared by Schenavar.

“I have customers that want to eat it every day,” she said.

Chefs in area restaurants, Schenavar’s biggest customers, know how good and healthy they are.

“Chefs love fresh produce,” she said.

The greens will keep for up to two weeks refrigerated.

Wheatgrass, which Schenavar offers by the tray, also promotes better health.

Last year was a busy one at Nordic Acres because of the pandemic.

“We became inundated with calls asking when we were open and what we had grown,” Schenavar said.

She hopes the trend continues.

“Offering clean produce free of chemicals and pesticides has been where my heart is,” she said.

Source: vieravoice

Useful Article: How To Grow Microgreens From Start To Finish (Complete Guide)

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