Junk DNA (jDNA) is the part of DNA which have no genetic codes for …
Tamkanat Ahmad
Tamkanat Ahmad
She is a bright and talented Postgraduate in the field of Food Science and Technology. An adaptable and versatile team player with Strong Interpersonal communication skills, core moral values, and a strong work ethic. She aims to work as a researcher and technologist in scientific institutions and on an industrial level to develop herself personally, scientifically as well as professionally.
Sindh Agriculture University in a joint venture has inaugurated a Mini Urban Forest considering …
Polyhouse farming is gradually building popularity in developing countries. The farmers can be greatly …
MULTAN: A committee formed to launch an e-filing system in South Punjab Secretariat decided …
Mystical Agriculture is a game mod in Minecraft developed by BlackBro. It is an …
More than 600 million tonnes of wheat are harvested annually, making it one of …